The South Dakota Specialty Producers Association (SDSPA) supports statewide and regional efforts to develop and coordinate training, programming, policy, resources and awareness of local foods. Learn more about these collaborative efforts.

NRCS & Organic Regenerative Agriculture Initiative

South Dakota Embraces Regenerative Agriculture: Cooperative Agreement With NRCS Will Boosts Farmer Education and Support South Dakota Specialty Producers Association (SDSPA) has entered into a Conservation Collaborative Cooperative Agreement (CCCA) with NRCS to promote regenerative organic practices (ROP) within the state. This initiative, known as the Organic

USDA Plains Transition to Organic Partnership Program (Plains TOPP)

New Support Program for Operators Transitioning to Organic Crop and livestock producers and processing and handling operators interested in transition to organic practices now have no cost resources available to receive technical assistance, education, and support for navigating the transition. South Dakota’s organic farming sector is receiving

North Central Regional Food Business Center

North Central Regional Food Business Center The North Central Regional Food Business Center (NC-RFBC) is a collaboration of stakeholders in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota who are working to build capacity and resiliency in the food value chain, including small and mid-sized producers, processors, aggregators, distributors,

NRCS & Urban Agriculture Initiative

S.D. Specialty Producers Association Partners with Natural Resources Conservation Service on Urban Agriculture Initiative Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and South Dakota Specialty Producers Association (SDSPA) have formed a partnership to build the capacity of local partners’ knowledge to develop and implement effective strategies in supporting producers

South Dakota Farm to School Network

The South Dakota Farm to School Network is an open group of individuals and organizations whose work or personal interests align with one or more of the three components of farm to school: local procurement, youth gardens, and/or local foods education. The group works to create a

Agritourism Working Group

With the growing interest and demand for experiential travel and authentic vacation experiences, the South Dakota Department of Tourism is putting an emphasis on agritourism as a result of its new strategic plan. The department hopes to not only promote existing offerings, but also work with partners

South Dakota Local Foods Coalition

The South Dakota Local Foods Coalition is a statewide local foods policy council made up of state and regional decision-makers, resource providers, producers, consumers, and others involved in the specialty foods industry.

In the News