2020 S.D. Local Foods Conference sees changes, opportunities for producers The annual South Dakota Local Foods Conference (SDLFC) is celebrating its tenth year. The 2020 event, Nov. 5-7 will be the first held entirely online. The SDLFC Planning Committee looks forward to discussing the new opportunities that
Read more →Join Nicole Prince, from the South Dakota Department of Agriculture, Thurs., Feb. 27 from 4:00PM CST (3:00PM MST) to learn more about the 2020 South Dakota Specialty Crop Block Grant program. Webinar will feature: Program Background Goals of the Program Past SCBG Projects 2020 Grant Application Process Webinar
Read more →2022 Website Development Program Available for Specialty Producers The South Dakota Specialty Producers Association (SDSPA) is continuing a program that offers assistance in building new websites or updating the look, mobile accessibility, or Search Engine Optimization of an existing website for specialty crop producers. SDSPA received a
Read more →Boosting Your Online Customer Connections Webinar Jan. 8, 2022 The S.D. Specialty Producers Association (SDSPA) is excited to announce upcoming educational opportunities for local and niche producers to improve their digital marketing strategies. Shelly Gaddis, University of Sioux Falls Professor and owner of The Foundress Family, will
Read more →Economic Impact Study for S.D. Specialty Crop Producers SDSPA recognized that in order to adequately plan for education & promotion of our industry, we needed to be able to have an accurate summary of what the current status of the specialty crop industry is in South Dakota.
Read more →Educational Webinar Series for Specialty Food Producers The South Dakota Specialty Producers Association (SDSPA) has announced a new educational series for local food producers, Farmers Markets managers and vendors, and others interested in selling direct to consumers. “We are hosting free training for producers to get together
Read more →Marketing for Vendors & Producers Class in Mitchell, SD Jan. 22, 2022 The S.D. Specialty Producers Association (SDSPA) is excited to announce upcoming educational opportunities for local and niche producers to improve their digital marketing strategies. A day long in-person marketing class is scheduled for Sat., Jan.
Read more →This event has been cancelled. This event was postponed and rescheduled for November 30. Register by Nov. 26, 2021. Find details here. Marketing Workshop Offered for Local Food Producers Brian Maruska, of SoDak Marketing, will lead a marketing workshop to help business owners better connect with their
Read more →Minority Crop Growers and Beekeepers Suffer Defeat in Pierre The following synopsis is provided by the Legislative Action Committee of the South Dakota Specialty Producers Association on the proceedings related to bill HB 1171. For the third year in a row, a bill (HB 1171) heavily supported by
Read more →New Program to Support Retailers Who Offer Local Specialty Crops Are you a South Dakota retailer who supports your local producers? Let S.D. Specialty Producers Association help support you! SDSPA is completing a grant funded project to help promote South Dakota retailers who are distributing specialty crops
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