Presenters: Teresa Wiemerslage, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Field Specialist

Description: S.D. Specialty Producers hosted a webinar focused on on-farm food safety including FSMA and GAP. Teresa Wiemerslage shared about produce safety programs, discussed best practices, the importance of food safety, and the basics of food safety plans. 

Wiemerslage is a field specialist with the Farm, Food and Enterprise Development program at Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. She has worked for ISU Extension for over 20 years in county, regional and state positions and is based in the northeast corner of the state. In her current position, she specializes in food system development, food hubs, farm to school, and on-farm food safety. 

Recorded: June 26, 2024

Video: On-Farm Food Safety Programs

This podcast was supported in part by the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program at the U.S. Department of Agriculture through grant AM200100XXXXG074. The contents are solely the responsibility of the presenters and do not necessarily represent the official views of the USDA.