Webinar to Navigate On-Farm Food Safety Programs for Produce Growers

Join us June 26th at 10 a.m. CDT for a webinar focused on On Farm Food Safety Programs with Teresa Wiemerslage, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Field Specialist.

During the webinar attendees will learn more about the importance of on-farm food safety, different certifications including Group Gap and FSMA, and how they can apply to your farm.

The FSMA Produce Safety Rule establishes science-based minimum standards for the safe growing, harvesting, packing, and holding of fruits and vegetables grown for human consumption. Farms may be subject to the rule depending on what they grow, how much they grow and where they sell their produce. This presentation will outline the basic parts of the FMSA Produce Safety Rule and how it relates to Good Agricultural Practices and third-party GAP certification.

Teresa Wiemerslage is a field specialist with the Farm, Food and Enterprise Development program at Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. She has worked for ISU Extension for over 20 years in county, regional and state positions and is based in the northeast corner of the state. In her current position, she specializes in food system development, food hubs, farm to school, and on-farm food safety. Teresa is a South Dakota farm girl who fell in love with a farmer at Iowa State University. She lives on a fourth-generation family farm where they raise cattle, corn and hay.

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