Specialty Producers Invited to Regional Meetups
All producers, and those involved with their local food systems, are encouraged to come meet each other, share ideas, and enjoy a great meal at upcoming regional meetups.
Attend one or more of the four meetings taking place in January & February 2023 in Watertown, Chamberlain, Yankton and Rapid City. The networking events will run from 5:30 PM local time until approximately 7:30 PM.
The goals of these meetings are to help producers meet others in their region who are growing & raising food, help attendees identify what challenges & resources exist in their region for local foods, and brainstorm potential opportunities they may wish to explore. Participants will learn more about existing opportunities and models such as Dakota Fresh at the Watertown meeting and Black Hills Farmers Market Wholesale at the Rapid City meeting.
Starting at 4:30 PM, there will be an optional bonus session presented by Dr. Rhoda Burrows, SDSU Extension, on Food Safety Considerations for Wholesale Production. This will look at FSMA & GAPs programs, how farm food safety plans fit in, and resources for education & implementation.
If you are aware of a current or upcoming aggregation opportunity in this area, please email SdSpecialtyProducers@gmail.com to assure they are invited to be included in the event.
Please click event location below for registration links. Registration is required by the Wednesday prior to each event.
- Watertown on Mon., Jan. 23, 2023. A meal provided by Dakota Butcher is available for $19.99.
- Chamberlain/ I-90 on Mon., Jan. 30, 2023. Participants are able to order their own meals from Bridges Restaurant. Prices will vary.
- Yankton on Mon., Feb. 6, 2023. Participants are able to order their own meals from Boss’s Event Center. Prices will vary.
- Rapid City on Mon., Feb. 27, 2023. A meal catered by Bashful Bison is available for $17.
While in person attendance is encouraged for optimal networking, a virtual option will also be available.
For more information on these events contact SDSPA at 605-681-6793 or SDSpecialtyProducers@gmail.com. Specialty producers and local foods enthusiasts can also stay up-to-date on relevant issues and educational opportunities by visiting our website or by following SDSPA on Facebook or Instagram.